


                                               1、热爱润聚 自我体现  2、爱岗敬业 忠于职守
                                               3、思想端正 作风正派  4、学习刻苦 业务精湛
                                               5、服从领导 服务客户  6、励精图治 团结互助
                                               7、勤俭节约 艰苦朴素  8、遵章守纪 和谐人生

Run Ju corporation tenet:
Stress prestige.Pay attention to quality. Brave innovation. Create diapason together.

Run Ju corporation aim:
Fight for the top-grade clothing business enterprise that the development becomes a globalization.

Run Ju corporation management principle:
Beg actually creative. Steady enterprising.
Professional norm. In person with trustworthiness.

Run Ju corporation employee rule:
1、devotion RunJu The myself embodiment
2、Love station respect-work faithful to the duties
3、Thought regular style virtuous
4、Study assiduous business consummate
5、Obey a leadership a service customer
6、Make great effort to make country strong to solidify mutual aid
7、Industry and thrift economize hard homeliness
8、The observance chapter guards discipline to harmonize life